Walking by Faith

Talk about walking by faith!

God has moved mountains in our lives and turned our world upside down (in a good way!) over the last 6 months or so. For the first time, my husband and I are committed to living for Christ and growing our family closer together and closer to Him. Though we still have a LOT of growth to go, He continues to chip away, moulding us into the people He designed us to be.

In July we will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary (and 9th year as a couple). In the almost-decade we've been together, I've adamantly declared that I will not leave Kansas City. No way, no how. Over the years The Deputy (aka my beloved husband) has investigated job opportunities with the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, and various other employers with offices across the country. And I have successfully thwarted each and every attempt to rip up my hometown roots.

Until now. Until God stepped in and changed my heart!

We've tried our best to listen to God's direction for our lives, and so far He has yet to steer us wrong. Every decision that we've prayed on and sought wise counsel for, we've felt like we made with His help and blessing. As you follow me on this journey I'm sure I'll get into even more details, but suffice it to say, each decision (even many made prior to our recommitment to our faith) has led us to the point we are at today!

To make a long story short (oops, too late!), the Deputy tentatively (knowing my past history for emphatically vetoing all such suggestions) mentioned that he'd been considering the Reserves. He explained that the signing bonuses and pay would help pay off our debt, and ran through the list of other pro's and con's that he'd been considering.

I don't know who was more shocked when the next sentence came out of my mouth: "Why would you do the reserves when you could just go in full time?"


That's right... I suggested that we leave our hometown, our friends and family, our church home and wonderful Community Group. Or, as I firmly believe, God suggested it through me. That is my only explanation for my response, as it was completely out of character for me.

That was a month or two ago, and I am 100% committed to it to this day. We both believe that this decision is God-directed, and we are walking by faith through the process. Whether or not he makes it into the Navy, we feel like we are being called to move away and move on.

I'll keep you posted as we get news on the process of enlisting in the Navy (and fill you in on where we've gone with it so far). I hope you will enjoy following our little family on this exciting new roller coaster ride called life!

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2 Response to Walking by Faith

May 24, 2010 at 10:03 PM

May you enjoy the peace and joy that comes by living according to God's will. My hubby is halfway through a deploy to Iraq and I "should" be falling apart, but I don't recall a time I've felt more at peace than I do now. Sure, I miss him and I'll be glad when he gets home. Right now he's where God wants him to be, and that's okay.
Kate (from MLAS)

May 28, 2010 at 4:33 AM

Praise God for your Change of Heart. Isn't it amazing how He just changes our outlook on life, suddenly and sometimes after a lot of prayer.
xx kelly

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